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Helpful Skills

Skill Description
Open-mindedness Being receptive to new ideas and perspectives.
Good listening Actively listening to understand the mentee’s thoughts and concerns.
Asking powerful questions Encouraging deeper reflection and understanding through insightful questions.
Empathy Understanding and sharing the feelings of your mentee.
Intuition Using instinct to guide interactions and provide support.
Detachment Remaining objective and not becoming overly invested in the outcome.
Passion Showing enthusiasm and dedication in the mentoring relationship.
Seeing the bigger picture Helping the mentee understand how their goals fit into a broader context.
Curiosity Being genuinely interested in the mentee’s experiences and aspirations.

Techniques a Mentor Can Use

Technique Description
Guide rather than give answers Help your mentee come to their own answers instead of providing direct solutions.
Offer perspectives as possibilities Ask permission to share opinions and present them as one of many possible viewpoints.
Meet mentee “where they are” Recognize and work with the mentee’s current skills and experiences.
Ask many questions Encourage the mentee to explore ideas through questioning.
Be mindful of objections and evasion Pay attention to any hesitations or avoidances, and gently explore these with your mentee.
Acknowledge emotions and feelings Validate and empathize with the mentee’s emotions during discussions.
Follow the mentee’s agenda Focus on the topics and goals that are most important to the mentee.
Detach from the outcome Support the mentee’s process without being overly attached to specific results.
Be honest and transparent Share your feelings and thoughts openly, while remaining respectful.
Consider cultural differences Stay aware of cultural influences and be respectful of different backgrounds.

Activities a Mentor Could Engage a Mentee In

Activity Description
Define goals Work with the mentee to clarify and define their objectives.
Risk management Identify potential obstacles and help the mentee plan for them.
Priority and resource management Assist the mentee in managing their priorities, resources, and capacity effectively.
Create and adjust an action plan Help the mentee create a structured plan and review it periodically.
Provide coaching and information Offer guidance and insights that might not be apparent to the mentee due to their new environment.
Use inquiry Leave the mentee with a question to think about between sessions.
Celebrate achievements Recognize and celebrate the mentee’s accomplishments, both big and small.

Suggestions to Mentors

Do’s Don’ts
Encourage your mentee to take initiative and manage the relationship. Don’t assume your schedule is more important than your mentee’s.
Express appreciation for your mentee’s efforts. Avoid giving automatic advice or criticism without asking first.
Address conflicts with care and invite open discussion. Don’t talk negatively about your mentee to others.
Keep your relationship professional. Don’t assume your mentee will follow your advice exactly.
Respect your mentee’s time as much as your own. Avoid moving too quickly into a friendship.
Be explicit about your needs and limits in the relationship. Don’t hang onto the mentee indefinitely if the partnership is no longer beneficial.
Ask permission before providing feedback or suggestions. Don’t end the relationship on bad terms; ensure closure if parting.